Welcome! To The World Of Micros.

Welcome! To FosterCo. Museum of the Universe's Museum of Awesome Stuff (FMUMAS). Here, this is where I will take you on a virtual tour on the Biotechnology Career Wing. But here, we will focus more on microbiology!
Hopefully by the end of this tour, you'll have learned a lot more about Microbiology!

What Does Microbiology Mean?
The word micro means “small” and bio means “life” and logo mean “study”. Therefore, microbiology is the study of unicellular or cell-cluster microorganisms which are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they use microscopes for seeing them.

Microbiology is the branch of science which deals with the study of small little critters such as bacteria, virus, protozoa, fungi, algae, etc,. The branch of biology that studies microorganisms and their effect on humans.

                                      Click link to view a video describing "What is Microbiology?"